Monthly Archives: July 2014

Flash Fiction #4



She had dreamed about this trip for years. Saving her little bits of change in a jar and telling herself that one day there would be enough in it to fulfill her dream.

Today was the day! She was on the last leg of her journey and in just under an hour she would reach her destination. Stepping off the plane would be a little nerve wracking as she would meet the friend she had known for years, but had yet to see in person.

Would decades of writing back and forth translate as well in person? She hoped so…


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a 100 word story.

Flash Fiction #3

I have been a constant presence in some of the smartest clubs over the years, even held pride of place.

I have witnessed great men gather; kings of commerce, political giants, lords and dukes even. Heard them discuss great things, secret things, important things. I have been entrusted to silently hold witness to the moving, the shaking and the parties held in their back rooms.

When the owner of the last club died, his family took me in and I was so grateful I wasn’t cast aside as so many of my compatriots had been.

My great days are gone…


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted To Purple Blog, and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.