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Up, up and away…

As I am typing this, I am experiencing my first ever plane flight.  

I’m not going far, a 2 hour flight farther north.  To transport a puppy to his new home and visit with friends I have known about 17 years, yet have never had a chance to meet in person until now.  It’s very much like meeting a blogger friend, but we met on a mom’s group online and over the years we had watched each other’s children grow, supported each other through tough times, celebrated the happy moments together… All virtually via the internet.

Flying in this wee little plane it like traveling in a cramped bus with tiny windows, that is until you look out that wee window and see clouds down below.  I have taken meds for motion sickness to be on the safe side and can sit back and enjoy my coffee and some knitting and just stare out at the world literally flying by. The clouds look like sheets of batting laid out as far as I can see from my window, but I did get a few good shots to share as we were starting out.


And the next one has a rainbow ring…


I can’t post this until I land, but this is definitely as fun and easy as everyone kept telling me it would be…

Almost before I know, we are descending into the little airport that is my destination…



So after the big hugs had been passed around and the puppy I was delivering was lovingly admired, it was time for what turned out to be a longer drive to their house due to the flurries on the highway.  Several stops along the way allowed for stretching and an adorable shot of puppy with one of his new pack members…


Now I have been here a day and it’s been a great time so far. I am booked to head back home on the 12th and plan on making the most of my time here!

Catch you later all….