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Can crowd funding really work..??

I have been considering a service dog for many years now and recently tried applying to training centres that offered dogs that the fees were all or mostly covered.  I have been turned down due to my case being too complex for them to provide a trained dog for me and they wouldn’t give me less than what I needed.  This is totally fair, but that leaves me with no other option but to raise funds to for a dog where the fees aren’t covered.  A well trained dog for my needs can start at $25,000.00 and go up to $40,000.00 or more.  This is why I am hoping you, the public will help.  Such a fee is absolutely reasonable,  but beyond my means as I am on disability.  I am currently working on applying to a training centre that feel they can help me, so I am taking the step to raise funds in the hope I am being proactive in my future!

For years I have known there where complicated things going on with me, but other than being diagnosed with a severe and slowly progressive form of Fibromyalgia, bad knees, crazy loose joints, no one could seem to determine exactly what was going on.  Over time my mobility got worse and now I am in a wheelchair part-time, while trying to stay as mobile as I can on crutch and cane, I am still pretty unstable most days.  Chronic general neuropathic & muscle pain, muscle spasms, chronic muscle tension, numbness and dizzy spells are common everyday things I deal with making applying for a service dog a valid reason to start with…

Recently my new family doctor came on board and started sending me to specialists and it was discovered that I have diabetes and also diagnosable psychiatric issues such as cPTSD, BPD/EID, and severe anxiety that makes going out in public on my own a very stressful effort just to consider, let alone do….

This is the beginning of my message for fund-raising money for a service dog… I paid the money to the doctor and the centre to apply for a dog that would be covered and was denied.  I called another place and they won’t charge me to apply or interview, but the dog isn’t covered.  They are certain they can help based on a half hour phone call, that it would be easy, just a matter of finding the right kind of dog, doing the training…. All I have to do is come up with the money to pay them for their time and efforts.  Easy, right??  *Sigh*  Not so much, after much stress and over-thinking, I am trying the crowd funding idea.  If I can raise enough to get a dog, it would be the best gift for myself I could have…

Please consider donating or sharing my page and let’s see how far I can go to raise the money I need to actually get a dog.